
22 October 2010

Tale of a cupboard

Well, we had to get the plumber to look at the boiler (which seems to be working ok now - except that the radiators upstairs are boiling hot all the time!).

So, the boiler is in a cupboard in the corner of the workroom and the rest of the cupboard is fuuuuuull of fabric and other stuff.

Well, the cupboard had to be cleaned out so she could access it...

So, we spent an hour taking everything out. (I rediscovered some useful black bags, and many other things.)
Well, most of it ended up on the bed. I'm not showing you that section of the room.

So, after the plumber left we cleaned up the cupboard and started to put things back in. Just the things that "should" be there. First Thomas added a shelf. Then the stack of baskets with white fabrics went back in. And my rolls of bookbinding etc paper. And there's a place for the ironing board to be put away.
Well, that's all very nice - but most of the things from the cupboard are still on the bed!

So, what does this do for my lifelong dream, realised with this room, of being able to leave the ironing board out?

Well, maybe I won't be doing much ironing in the next wee while?

ps - while clearing the floor I got rid of 90% of the non-portfolio-worthy worksheets from the foundation course. Some of the papers have been saved for making book maquettes.

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