
24 November 2010

"Flower" book progress

Trying to work out a structure for the book that will hold a selection of three-word sentences. This sample has folded single-sheet sections sewn into a zigzag spine (with a kak-handed sewing sequence) -
I glued a cover onto the extra tabs at each end of the zigzag, to hide the messy sewing. Ignore the horizontal folds - these just happened to be the bits of paper that were handy. It was all about making folds that wouldn't overlap the spine -
When it came to using origami paper, green made a nice spine, and a sequence of colours emerged (starting with "blue Monday" and ending with a happy colour in the Friday position). Instead of sewing, these were to be glued in -
Scrap paper keeps the glue from getting everywhere, along with butting up the edge of the section. The scrap of paper can be used to flip the glued bit of spine onto the section -
The cover was glued only to the front tab, and wrapped around the rest of the book, so the spine can stretch out (you'll see why it needs to stretch, in a minute). The pages now need some words -
These were printed out and strips cut and glued; making the words fit better on the page needs attention -The final words of each "unfinished saying" make a sort-of-sentence -
Perhaps that final touch makes the little book too complicated? And ... what about the cover design? Ah, while typing that I had an idea ...

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