
29 November 2010

Flower project - nearing the end

More reconstituted fragments - this time on larger (9"x9"; 23cm square) origami paper. Too large for my A4-size printer - so I cut it down to A4 size (21cm wide). Its flimsyness meant that several sheets got jammed in the printer - which needs the computer to be restarted to get the printer working again. Tedious.
The colourful little books, with their unfinished idioms etc, and their second-level phrases, are mounting up - each different. I'm not entirely happy about the covers yet -
There's another book, the story of the project. It took 8 versions before I was happy with the pictures, the text, the layout, the printing, the paper, the colours - the black and white version has flower colours added with crayons -
For the presentation, a few large pictures that encapsulate the story - they're now concertina'd together in sequence -
along with smaller versions that tell the story in words -
The words in the window will continue for another couple of weeks - tomorrow's words are No. Time. Like. The window boxes are getting crowded with origami flowers. It looks very cheerful - lots of tulips - I haven't tried the camellia yet...

Oops I've been calling this the "flower project" but really it's the structure project. Looking for structures that could be books - I think that apart from the window-as-book installation aspect, my take on this project has been fairly conventional really. I've learned a lot of practical things about developing the books themselves - little things that make a difference - or do they?? - I now need to stand back from this, and presenting the work could be one way of doing so, if I remember to listen to what I'm saying - and to what others say!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the snow hasn't "frosted" your flowers beyond recognition today!
