
19 November 2010

Little books

Fabric samples printed with puffer paste have become tactile covers - and have contents of a sort. The pink book is simply blank - but with creamy paper rather than bright white (an improvement). The others have stitching to carry on the "lines" theme -
Further improvements include taking care with the ends of the lines of stitching - tying off, perhaps -
not to mention the relation of the paper to the covers (why the pinked edges?) -
I loved stitching into the tracing paper, and this idea could be developed in various ways -


  1. What, exactly, are you doing with that puffer paste, Margaret? Do you squeeze it on a screen and then squeegee ink/paint over that? I can't quite make heads or tails of it. But I sure like what you're doing!

  2. Thanks for asking about how to use the puffer paste, Connie. What I do is mix a bit of concentrated colour into it, then put the combination on the screen and squeegee. At college the binders come in huge pails, and the colours in sizeable bottles - I don't know the product name, but it's wonderful to be able to use it!
