
17 May 2011

Book du jour (sort of) again

There was enough waxed paper to make a small box with lid, following the pattern used yesterday. I made two carefully-folded strips, one for the base and one for the lid, and transferred the markings round the edges of squares of paper (which will perhaps be used to make other small boxes in future), then used that to transfer the markings to the waxed paper - keeping the grain on the diagonal, though it probably wasn't necessary on the waxed paper. But I liked the idea of the lines being on the diagonal...
I used the edge of the ruler (aligned with the marks for each square) and the bone folder to crease the paper - but be careful, or this will happen ----
(Some magic tape fixed it.) Here are the box shapes cut out
Turn them over to add the diagonal folds -
and it all folds up quite easily
You can see how the flaps fold inside, with the larger flaps going under the "skinny" one.
Base and lid -
The thumb-hole is so useful when it's a snug fit.
Next challenge in the box-du-jour - an origami box with hinged lid (video here). But I need to get back to actual books for a while...

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