
17 May 2011

For the midpoint review

Crucial ingredient in my book for the review is ... wax. The paper is a byproduct of the screen printing - the sheets of newsprint that could have ended up in the bin. Instead, I saved them ... and rescued some sheets that other people had "used lightly". This accidental component, the happenstance, is an important component of the development of the project.

An easy way to wax paper is to have some sheets of newspaper underneath (to retain the heat) - iron the top sheet, and rub the side of a candle over it. The iron tends to "smoke" on contact with the hot wax, so do this by an open window -
Here's the finished "book" - it's a newspaper, complete with homemade newspaper stick.

If poetry is "news that stays news" (TS Eliot) ... then perhaps this is "news that never was news" - ?
Some pages are just lines, and some are from other types of travelwriting I did earlier in the year -
I was surprised to discover the puffer paste on the page on the left -
Even the skybirds get a look in -
At the mid-point review we bring one item, lay it on the table, and listen. The others talk about it for 10-15 minutes. I'm still at a bit of a loss myself as to what this "book" is "about" (it came from nowhere - or somewhere - or everywhere), so this could be very interesting!

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