
20 July 2011

Book du jour

In the scrapbag was some plasticky, loosely woven, resilient fabric - rather like something you'd use on a screen door. In a bowl on the table were some transparent circles cut from another project. I'd been thinking about clocks. The result is timely -Because of the stitching round them, the circles pop out of (or into) the background. The hands of the clocks are stitched with thick rayon threads in the bobbin, in no particular order or chronology -
After folding, the spine was sewn with a sort of horizontal backstitch (not very "book arts"!) and this sort-of-book has a little black case, very flimsy, to keep it out of harm's way -
Working title: "It's about Time"; I hope this will be a series of some sort, based either on the material or the concept.

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