
27 July 2011

Book du jour

This one is called "the central idea" and indeed you only see the entire "idea" at the centre of the section -Turning the pages toward, and away from, the centre, you see half of either "when does drawing become writing" or "when does writing become drawing" (which is the point of interest underlying my proposed - and yet to be formulated - essay topic) -
The paler soak-through of the pen made me think of how the "back" of embroidery stitches can be seen through transparent fabric, and I started to draw some lines of embroidery stitches on the layout paper - but quickly ran out of stitches that I was familiar with the reverse of. Making the sheet of paper into little pages allowed trying out various stitches -

I was happiest with running stitches (the simplest!) going from one page to the other, and have started some books using lines of running stitch as "text".

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