
10 August 2011

Artist's book discoveries - Macy Chadwick

Found in "Masters: Book Arts" - "Letter by letter" by Macy Chadwick. Read about it here.

Her themes are memory, personal communication, and visual language systems - connections both human and conceptual; sparse narratives with room to breathe.

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing when you read more about them, but on first glance they took me back to when my Mum showed me her shorthand notebooks in the 70's. She had kept several years worth from the late thirties on, and when she showed them to me she said that people developed their own personal style to such an extent that it was often impossible to read someone else's shorthand. I liked the idea of this unique form of recording at the time, but sadly when we cleared out her belongings there was no sign of the books. No doubt they were 'tidied' away during one of several moves long after her working life had come to an end.
