
31 August 2011

Mind map

This is a procedure new to me - and I'm not finding it easy! "Everyone" has been doing mind maps for years, but for us linear thinkers, they are definitely a departure.

From all the notes I've gathered over the past couple of weeks, it felt like the entire sheet would be full, but it's looking a bit sparse ... perhaps this is the value of this system, reducing things down to a very simple and graspable form. As well as discovering what is connected to what.

The starting point was two words:
writing drawing
The photo was taken just after I drew that line connecting the two parts. By now there are a few more words here and there...

Disconcerting, though, to see some words/concepts unconnected to anything - or relevant in different ways to both parts. I see this as a third dimension, a meta-layer.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of those mysterious concepts to a blank-brained person. I've never done one, although it's been suggested to me at various times. I don't actually know what doing one would entail. Oh dear, Google here I come. I guess I'll take my new touch-screen tablet to bed and google this.

    Then I'll come back and comment seriously. Really, seriously.
