
20 September 2011

Erasmus, Silverberg, van Lingen

The book work of South African artist Stephan Erasmus blends words/text with visual components, sometimes in large-format installations, like "In the stars a love letter for her" -

He cites Robbin Ami Silverberg as a big influence - her work is new to me, and I'm glad to see works with "skin-like pages" and others with references to textiles, for example in Emperor's Clothes -
See some of her collaborations here, as well as on her website - as well as editions and unique books, she makes installations - this is Simulacrum -

Another of his influences is Claude van Lingen who creates "drawings" by intensively and extensively writing words and phrases on top of each other until the paper can hold the weight of the words no more -

More of his work is here.

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