
07 September 2011

Mind maps again

The map that will (surely!) help me think clearly about my essay topic continues to be populated with new lands of discovery -
Meanwhile this book turned up at the V&A bookshop -

In it, not just this bit of mapping

In it, but three dozen diagrams of history designed by Maciunas between 1953 and 1973 as a visualisation of chronological causality. Maciunas attempted in various ways to draw a picture of history using dates, facts, lines, and vectors. The many flaps show that it's not completely straightforward -

George Maciunas (1931-1978) was an artist, gallerist, and entrepeneur, and is one of the founders (perhaps the inventor) of Fluxus. In addition to editing and designing the first anthology entitled Fluxus in 1960, he also supplied the paper and money for printing. By 1961 Maciunas had moved from New York to Germany to escape his creditors. His view of humanity is expressed as a struggle between the hedgehog (obstinate, determined) and the fox (curious, quick, skeptical). 

His view of humanity (it says here) is expressed as a struggle between the hedgehog (obstinate, determined) and the fox (curious, quick, skeptical).


  1. Just a thought in Syria for example writing is considered drawing and is practised by artists with that intent and Sammy Burchan translates his writing/drawing into sculpture. Sorry have to drive daughter totrain otherwise I would send a link

  2. I am wondering how he has numbered the pages!

  3. Jill, now you have me wondering ... does every page need a number...
