
06 October 2011

Back to college

Yesterday was enrollment day - filling out forms and paying out thousands of pounds. Ouch.

I hadn't been to college for a month and was startled to see, at Vauxhall bus stop, an entire (but unmemorable) building had disappeared -
And further along the route, was this bit of wall painting new, or had it been there for months?
(It's a fact of life that people looking at things - or photographing them - make you stop, look, and notice things...)

In the college shop, sheets of metal mesh (I'm playing around with an "unconventional materials" quilt) -
In the library, shelves chockablock with returned books - this is the typography section
and this is 769.4, where the artists books are filed among the illustrated books for children -
I had to use the new automated checkout and it is SO much better than the one at the grocery store! You put all the books you want to borrow on it, and within moments it gives you a printout of not just those (and their due dates) but also of all the others you have at home already.

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