
17 October 2011

Moan on Monday - potatoes

When you buy a bag (5 lbs or so) of potatoes, you invariably get one huge one, and one tiny one. And various sizes in between. Why can't they be sorted by size? Are there some sizes of potatoes no-one wants to buy?


  1. I grew up in potato country. The farmer I worked for sent his potatoes off for crisps. After the potatoes were in the storage area, they ran them on a conveyor belt. you had to check if the potatoes would go through this ring. if they were too big, or if they were under a certain size, the discards just got carted off to the tip! all the farmers in that locality did this.

    so, because my dad was in hospital several times one year and the workman's comp only covered the cost of the animal feed, we would make trips to a tip in another town and collect sacks of potatoes. (Another town, so that we didn't meet anyone we knew.)The ones that had been frozen or that had faults on them were put in a bag to cook up for the pigs. The ones that were alright to eat went to the kitchen.

    PS.We got very tired of potato soup...we had plenty of milk from the cows.

  2. Well personally I don't like the really huge potatoes. So if I want one or two spuds I have to dig through the bin at the place where I shop to find a couple small ones. I don't like buying them by the bag because they inevitably go bad before I use them all. My size preference is about 2x4 inches.
