
10 November 2011

This week at college

Just the one thing for us part-timers, a seminar to discuss our current work with a visiting tutor. We went to the library and looked again at all the work, discussing among other things how context and presentation can change the feel and "reading" of it -
and then back up to the seminar room to talk about our work in the exhibition, and anything we might have brought along.

I'd made yet more changes to the Route book, but it didn't seem to make any sort of sense to anyone, so I guess it wasn't much of an idea. Or, maybe just an idea whose time hadn't come... Or, maybe its context and presentation needed to be different...

A bus across Vauxhall Bridge
to Chelsea College of Art, where muralist David Tremlett was in conversation with Andrew Wilson and Stephen Farthing, beneath a slideshow of Tremlett's work -
Tremlett's murals are made of pigment rubbed onto the wall and sealed with a coat of resin. In a short film about the making of the "Drawing for Free Thinking" mural on the Manton staircase at Tate Britain he explained the process in detail.

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