
16 January 2012

Journal Quilts 2012

This year Contemporary Quilt's JQ challenge is "Shades of..." and involves using 75% or more of a colour in the monthly A4-sized quilt - red for Jan-April, yellow for May-Aug, blue for Sept-Dec. This morning I had an idea for a series and before leaving the weekend studio had time to rummage for strips and scraps of the appropriate colours, ready to start next weekend. There looks to be enough for half a dozen small pieces in each colour....

Even while I was collecting fabric, the idea was evolving ... goodness knows what will actually happen when I get started. As with all my current work, it will be rather abstract (though perhaps tending to landscape rather than "figurative") - and needless to say, "journey lines" are part of it.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been curious about paper size designations, so I just printed out a cool chart thing from Wikipedia.
    Thanks for reminding us that YOU QUILT! Love the look of the Brit contemporary group -- better than what I often see out of SAQA. But then, I believe the Europeans have it way over us, here, in design and everything else.
    Have a good week, my friend.
