
13 March 2012

Line as text, text as line

While gathering - or rather, separating - blog posts into categories related to college work, I started a new category relevant to my project: "line as text, text as line". One consequence is that I'm on the active lookout for relevant images, and the first in the new collection is by Gill Banks -
The character and density of the marks she uses to make these lines are right on target for me, true inspiration - they raise all sorts of interesting possibilities. Sewn into paper (horizontally?), they will have a different character on each side of the page. Sewn into paper covered in graphite they will become smudgy as the thread - perhaps a soft thread? - gathers graphite. Will a waxed thread resist the dusty look? Could the redness of that red line survive stitching into graphite? Perhaps the stitching should happen first? What about using overlay ... perhaps glassine paper?

What about stitching into cloth and applying graphite or wax to that? What about using some of my dyed indigo pieces? What about stitching into/onto my screenprinted journey line fabrics? (If fabric is going to be a book, it needs to be not floppy ... or does it?) Am I making a book or trying to find "the right kind of line" and then decide how what it's "saying" can be put into some sort of book format...

Hmm, another example of "I know what I think when I hear myself speak". All that is needed now is action!

Meanwhile, here's one I prepared earlier -


  1. If you are stitching into graphite, you might want to have something like tissue paper on the other side to then pull away after. It will stop your machine getting bunged up with the graphite particles.

    and probably a hoover to suck said particles out of the chamber. if you have a computer mini-vac, check it really has suction.

  2. It'll be hand stitch - I don't want to mess up the machine! Graphite is used as a lubricant, eg for locks, but I doubt it's recommended for sewing machines in uncontrolled doses!
