
19 May 2012

This week at college

Main event at college for the week was the practitioner lecture, given by Silke Dettmers, who used to have a studio on the site of the Olympic Stadium. Many people lost their studio space there, and on eviction she started taking photos of the "blue fence", some of which were published in the 2007 Guardian story (but aren't in the online version).

She says she's attracted to disasters and has made a number of works from salvaged wood - I found this small-scale one particularly resonant -
"Blue House" also speaks to me -
Artists she mentioned: Anne & Patrick Poirier (Domus Aurea); Charles Simonds; Rebecca Horn (the piano in the Tate); Daniel Buren; David Wilson's Museum of Jurassic Technology (in LA); Vija Celmins' replica of stones; Tim Hawkinson's Balloon Self Portrait; Marian Bantjes' book I Wonder; Helen Maurer; Anna Boggon.

"Some books are to be tasted" is an exhibition of bookworks shown in three countries - Colombia, Poland, UK (website here; view from a participant here).

Read her article about the necessity of wonder here.

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