
01 June 2012

Art resources on the web

Some UK-based resources mentioned in the professional practice seminar at college last week - (arts council - membership of the site is free; lots of "how to" articles and legal info) (there's a "toolkit" for artists, but you may have to pay a membership to access it) (has free newsletter) ("the world's only creative graduate website") ("the online resource for contemporary art")

at the moment ("the largest art portal on the net") isn't coming up on my computer, but it too was mentioned in the seminar and is listed, with other potentially useful sites, here:
Chinese dancers, 7th-8th century, at Guimet museum, Paris
And also...

Thinking to find an image to go with this list, instead I found a random selection of further resources - again mainly applicable to the UK, but in any country a search for "art opportunities" and/or "art resources" should turn up relevant sites.

If you're an art historian - and  ("New Deal of the Mind is a coalition of artists,entrepreneurs and opinion formers who recognise the economic, social and cultural value of Britain's creative talent") ("the public art think tank") (local and worldwide -"the #1 contemporary art network, has comprehensive calendars for openings, exhibits and events, a worldwide community of professional artists, and local city editions for the art lover")

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