
04 June 2012

Moan on Monday - "please prove you're not a robot"

"Two words"? What IS that thing on the right? And this isn't even the worst example I've seen...

Frustrating, isn't it? Puts you off bothering to make a comment. It's unnecessary, definitely, on blogs that use comment moderation.

I turned it off recently. As I don't moderate comments, I also turned off the "Anonymous" facility. Most people have some sort of OpenID - if not, you can get it at


  1. I know! I don't get the rationale behind leaving this on.

    Some people have told me it's because they don't want the spam comments. I understand that it's a pain when you get them in your email box (even when your readers don't see them); but take the pain for your readers (if you want comments!)


  2. I turned off my robot protection a few months ago and only one spam comment has made it through the filter. Two or three real comments got caught in Google's spam filter, but it's no big deal to check the spam comments and rescue any that are legit.

  3. That's funny!! I want to see this secret words..

  4. I turned mine off months a go... NO spam xx thanks for turning yours off ... when you have tried the impossible a couple of times you (well I!) give up!

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