
17 July 2012

Book du jour - Kochbuch

Another of my mother's cookbooks, not much used by the looks of it, but quite different from "Dr Oetker". Not only are the recipes set out differently, but the verbs used are in a different voice - the passive, which in German is called Leideform (appropriately! - thanks Erika for the info).

The food-pictures are all in one section at the back, and are in black-and-white. This gives different possibilities from those for Backen macht Freude.
title page of cookbook used as endpaper
the cut pages open out, to reveal photos
some cut-out words have been restored, but put in "blind"
dropping the cut-out words to the bottom of the page is one possibility
Cutting up just one recipe on the page - one that relates to the photo underneath - seems clearer than to cut up the entire page. (Thinking about single recipes brings to mind the index cards with recipes written on, and the boxes we used to keep them in...)

"Kochbuch" still has its dust jacket, which is very of-the-time -
On the scan, I extended the masking-tape edging that had been added to cover, in order to use the print-out for the cover, turning the edges round the board (something yet to do).

1 comment:

  1. what year was it published?

    isn't it weird to think of a time when "Cookbook" was a sufficient title? wonder what the other cookbooks (if any) were titled.
