
11 July 2012


 Nothing on at college today, so it's a studio day - and it started not with checking emails, but with this -
After an hour, I got diverted by tasks arising from emails (s you do).

On getting back to the studio I tried to enthuse myself about finishing the "Seepage" books - they need cutting to size (page by page, so they align), and stitching down the edge, on the sewing machine -
 Somewhere under all this is a sewing machine (the knee lift is a clue) -
I am daunted at the prospect of unearthing it....

This seems like a good time to take stock, and to fill in the planning calendar  -

Suddenly there are only about 7 weeks before everything has to be ready for assessment and the degree show. Being daunted by little things like getting access to a sewing machine is hardly helpful! In situations like this, a short list of achievable actions is useful:
1. turn on radio (to provide diversion/motivation)
2. simply move things, don't try to put them away just yet
3. thread machine with black thread

(Sometimes you have to think out loud...)

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