
31 July 2012

Little and often, day after day

Work on "the long piece" continues - a couple of hours of stitching every morning, in the quiet house, to the accompaniment of a bit of listen-again on the bbc iplayer, rather than the morning news programme. Sometimes, though, I turn off media and try to focus on the other projects that need finishing, the memory balls and the filleted cookbook pages and the overwriting and the sonnets and the books for the shop, and thinking about which of them really need to be there to show "a resolved body of creative practice" and which can be left out. Much of the pleasure for me is that these projects aren't resolved into a finality, that there's still scope and potential and development going on. But there does have to be a cut-off point, a judgment day.

The yellow point marks 2.5 metres. I do about 10cm a day, so should be able to get to 4 metres, long enough to hang over the top of the wall and roll out for a little ways along the floor.

Plan B is to have some black at the top. That could be the  sensible thing to do at this point: spend less time stitching and turn to finishing some of the other projects. Again, it's a conflict between what is pleasure for me (the easy thing!) and what is called for in this situation.

Like the bright areas, or the dark areas, in the piece - which seem to take over when only a section is shown - these "momentous decisions" will fade into the distance in the longer view.


  1. I think it will be better if some of the black shows at the top,providing a counterpoint to the busyness perhaps and speaking of the continuity/unfinishable nature of ...

  2. Not that you asked, but I agree with what Alison said. I really like this, even in its current state of completion.

  3. Thanks, Alison and Jeanne - you definitely have a point! Plan B has just become Plan A....
