
03 July 2012

Memory ball - weekend at Alston Hall

It started with a box of fabric scraps and some cones of fine yarn. In the middle are stones from outside the building -
The pink thread represents Friday, the yellow and beige are Saturday, and the green is Sunday.

First the lumpy stones had to be padded out to make the shape more spherical. Then the words - written on slips of fabric, or cut from the schedule - were wound in. 
Same procedure for Saturday, incorporating sights and sounds from my morning walk and snippets of overheard conversation throughout the day. And the wrappers from cough sweets -

Each participant in the retreat session supplied a bit of fabric with her name written on it, and that was wound in -

We speculated on what it would look like if it were cut open -
Sunday's main memory is of winding in scraps of ever-increasing size as we travelled down the M6 -

I didn't intend it to be quite so big, but that very fine yarn goes a long way! (Plus, it's very satisfying to wind and wrap and make those nice round "holes".)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful article. How on earth did you make it so beautiful and the pattern of the crossing threads is fantastic.
    Irene MacWilliam
