
28 August 2012

It's all over but the shouting

The room looked so serene this morning, with the sun streaming in. (The work under tables etc is supporting work - research and reflective journals.)
I set the lights blazing so that Blue Distance is glowing -
And there it sits till 5 September, when we take the supporting work away and get ready for the party - the private view. It feels unreal.

During this week I'll be making a couple of books for the exhibition shop, and writing out all the names of people I've known or met throughout my life, to include in the Big Red Ball of Connectivity, which will be added to daily throughout the show - my working hours will be 12-2 and 5-8 (Saturday 11-5). The show is open 10am to 8pm from 6 Sept to 13 Sept - but is closed on the Sunday. Other departments at the college also have their MA shows - more info is at - and next door, at the South London Gallery (till 14 Sept) is an amazing roomful of sports trophies, 2,529 of them, to be exact, of which this is a corner -

Also this week I'll be reading a novel, doing some housework, going shopping - having a normal life! And doing my morning stitching, throwing out some old stuff while tidying the studio (hopefully), and thinking ahead to what to make for the Al-Mutanabbi Street project and the Hadleigh book fair. And updating my website, maybe. 


  1. Blue Distance looks really beautiful. You have done such a brilliant job, not only in preparing for your degree show, but in keeping us all abreast of your thinking and making. This blog has been an extraordinary education, and so inspiring.

    I hope that your show brings you all you wish, and that it helps reveal or illuminate your further journeys.

    Thank you so much, so far, and I continue to look forward to reading your posts.

  2. I hope that the show goes really well for you, with interest and interesting people coming to see it. Well done for all your hard work.

  3. Congratulations!! A job well done.

  4. Everything looks very serene and accomplished.

    If you walked in to this exhibit, wouldn't you absolutely love it? Wouldn't you think to yourself, this is the kind of work I would like to make.

    Well, ta da. You HAVE. I am so happy for you and wish you all the best.

    NOw, go clean your house. ha ha

  5. Olga is right Margaret- I have so enjoyed following your journey and thinking as you have worked towards this final work. Congratulations that you got it done and it looks wonderful!

    I never got to see my Masters exhibition installed- no one thought to take photos for me, as I had to go overseas- nor did I ever get my masters critique from the uni I attended- so i was pretty disappointed with the whole process and though I sometimes pull the work out it seems tinged by that disappointment.

  6. Margaret, I have to simply say "WOW" Blue Distance is amazing! it has been fun to see how you have progressed? through your two years (has it been longer?) of continuing education. What does the future hold now? Somehow I can't see you sitting around twiddling your thumbs- not with all of the introspective work that has been appearing since you started. Good luck, stay in touch with all of your followers - hope to see you again one day soon - can we scout out some "boot sales?" Martha Ann

  7. oh wow! all the words i have at the moment :) wow.....

  8. Thank you all for your kind words! It's been two years of serious fun ... I do hope I can keep up my motivation, ideas, enthusiasm, interest, and output. The loss of structure of the course and the facilities of the college can no doubt be overcome somehow. In any case, blogging will continue for the foreseeable future - it helps me think! m
