
13 August 2012

'Lympics and Lego

On the final day of the Olympics we took ourselves out to Stratford to join the milling crowds. Everyone seemed in a jolly mood, and that's been one of the best things about the whole event - a sort of happy hysteria descended on the city, after months of typical British gloom and moaning. Smiley, helpful station staff and volunteers were definitely much appreciated by visitors and locals alike -
To get into the Olympic Park you needed a prebooked ticket, but in the shopping centre John Lewis had a viewing place on the 3rd floor. Your £2 admission charge went to local charities (good idea) and you got a glimpse of the stadium etc with the Docklands skyline behind. When we left there was a long queue to get in - but on the floor downstairs was a similar large window with the same view and no crowd whatsoever.

Also on view was a lego model of the stadium
 filled with a crowd of colourful characters -
 and behind-the-scenes engineering details -
It took four people two months to build the model - 450 hours' work. It uses about 100,000 lego elements and weighs 100kg.

If you're in a shopping centre, you might as well ... shop ......  I thought these
might be appropriate footwear during the degree show, to go with this
 and the piece I'll be working on during the show, which currently looks like this -
and when finished, if such a thing is possible, will include the names of everyone I can remember meeting during my school days and afterwards, as well as the emails on my current contact list.


  1. how exciting! I'll be in your memory ball! what a lovely way to comemmorate your school time

  2. I would love to be in your memory ball so am hoping I am on your current email list.

    do the prickles suggest some of us may have been prickly customers to deal with?

    Irene MacWilliam

  3. Have you seen the Lego Olympic Brick by Brick Series on the Guardian's website? It replays some of the highlights of the Olympics in Lego. Definitely worth a look before it gets taken down - although not as interesting as your work is at the moment.
