
12 October 2012

Book du jour - double-fold accordion

For my research/experimentation toward books for the al-Mutanabbi Street project, I've been considering a street of rooms -
Reading rooms perhaps -
The valley folds will be sewn together and there will be a solid, flat cover at both ends.

I still have it very much in mind to use graphite and ink - a lot of graphite and a lot of ink! The details of just how to do that will be the next phase of research/experimentation.

So far, I've been using papers that have been lying around, waiting to be used. Sometimes they suggest things themselves - finding a set of origami paper, folded in half, suggested that the "street" could have "rooms". Finding and using the photocopies in the top photo brought home just how much of a memory paper has - the stack of A3 paper had been folded over, hence the wiggles, despite my best efforts to straighten them out. Even on the dummy run, you want it to be right, don't you?

Back to folding and stitching...

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