
03 October 2012

Sketchbook Project comes to London

See European contributions to the 2012 project at Canada Water Library:
Friday 12 October 4pm-8pm
Oct. 13th 11am-5pm
Oct. 14th 11am-5pm
Oct. 15th - 19th 4pm-8pm

The 2013 Sketchbook Project won't be travelling outside the United States, unfortunately.


  1. I'm going to make the trek, I think, on the Saturday. I'd like to hold some of the sketchbooks in my hands, and maybe check how my own one is holding up -- but as far as I know, only three people have looked at it. This has put me off doing one this year, sadly.

  2. I am going up to K+S on Fri. Maybe I will wander over there before coming home.
    Like JAne, I am not sure about doing it a 3rd year. 2 people looked the first year and I haven't heard that anyone looked this year.

  3. I'll be going one evening 15th to 19th. My second sketchbook has now been viewed 6 times and I took part in the 'Limited Edition' which will feature in a book. I've signed up for 3rd year although I haven't started it. For me the process of doing it is more important than whether people look at it.
