
01 November 2012

Book du jour - three generations

Real-isation starts with printing, scaling up the cut-out eyes to the same size. Indeed, some are pixelated into a fuzzy blur. I used InDesign to lay out two pictures on an A4 page, then cut the page in half. (Another thing that might feed into this project, especially if the pages continue to be folded, is the way that faces aren't symmetrical.)

Now, deciding the sequence. And deciding if these are the "right" photos and if there are "enough". Which means - knowing what the book is meant to "say". This is hard, because I'm very close to these photos, these people who no longer exist (but to whom I still feel accountable) - my grandmother, my mother, the young me.

My first idea was to print on tracing paper. Here it is layered  -
Double vision
That layering might work in a star-book format, with both edges held securely, and the "whole" page (both layers) turned at once. If you turn only the transparent page, the effect is rather startling -
Some things about this project make me feel very uncomfortable!

1 comment:

  1. So interesting to see you exploring. The last image makes me think of John Stezaker's married-up images.
