
26 March 2013

Bookwraps update

The butted strips shown here have become, after much handstitch to cover the joins, this -
It fits an A6 hardback sketchbook, but another one, made only slightly smaller, doesn't accommodate the extra bulk of the cover, and fits an A6 softcover book -
The devil is in the details all right! Loops and buttons have to have enough stretch or play to allow unbuttoning, and yet be "tight" enough to hold the book and not undo themselves ... I'm wondering about using elastic as the loop.

Another possibility for closures is a long cord (does this get in the way of actually using the book?). It's easier to make, and if thin is best with a nice chunky bead at the end -
These two bookwraps were once unfinished samples. They have been cut down to size - which can be tricky if the fabric is just that teeny bit too small! - and given a "narrow binding" [instructions here] - which is rather tricky if the corners aren't right angles and the fabric isn't on the bias... I prefer using a binding, rather than satin stitch, because it holds the inside pocket better, and because satin stitch on the machine is so very, very, very boring.

1 comment:

  1. These are lovely, Margaret! The modern equivalent of a mediaeval "chemise".
    I wrote this for a friend who made a seamless felt jacket for a hand-made book.


    the little book’s stiff arms
    into the sleeves

    on which
    your crest and monogram
    are stitched

    goldwork spells the title
    on the spine

    they will be safe and warm
    your prayers

    "The medieval precursor of the modern dust jacket, a chemise is a slip-on cover of leather or of a textile such as velvet or linen that protected the binding of a book and its fore edge. Chemises varied in form from high-grade luxurious embellishments for books of hours and prayer books to functional wrappers for administrative records and library books."

    -- Michelle P. Brown
    Understanding Illuminated Manuscripts: A Guide to Technical Terms
