
03 March 2013

Knitting squares

Nikki Gabriel has a system of garment construction that uses knitted squares. (Found via world of textiles.) The yarn, called Wooli, is made of recycled factory fibre remnants, blended into yarn in New Zealand. The "natural" colour is called Greige, and there are several dyed colours -
A ball of yarn makes three squares - squares from another ball of yarn can be used for sleeves etc.
Watch the video here.
image from


  1. Thank you so much for this link. It was wonderful to explore her suite. A long time lurker here, I enjoy very much the interesting art links you pass along.
    Bev Longford

  2. I gott some wool iI have to spin... but when ?

  3. I have so many, saving from the sheeps next door to my studio. The sheperds burn the wool. The do not know what to do with it.

  4. I have so many, saving from the sheeps next door to my studio. The sheperds burn the wool. The do not know what to do with it.
