
07 March 2013

Quilt selection

Some quilts I came across recently that made me want to see more of the maker's work.

First, "Agave in Green and White" by Kathleen McCabe, seen in a SAQA news bulletin and exhibited in 2012. Apart from enjoying the way the fabrics make the plant look "real", it makes we want to look more carefully at plants and buds and light and shade -
From the same source, Sandra Sider's "On the Road: Slippery when Wet" captures the feeling of suddenly finding the car in a skid, or finding your mind dizzy from some unexpected thing -
And some small quilts (12"x12") from SAQA's 2012 benefit auction -
"Mood Indigo" by Judith Content

"Clearing My Mind" by Karen Rips
"Happy Wolf" by Nancy N Erikson

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning my work on your wonderful blog Margaret. What a nice surprise to see it again.
