
01 April 2013

Furniture moving

Once upon a time the living room looked comfortable but not all that spacious. In particular, it always looked very crowded around my desk in the corner. So - in the spirit of spring cleaning and all that - we removed one bit of furniture, a trunk covered with cushions that sat where the fireplace would have been; it could seat two people but usually had heaps of paper on it. And then the fun started.
The sofa went where the trunk was, but the new position of the chairs, hmm....
Chairs are together again, but the radiator is so ... visible ...
Maybe the bookcase could be a room divider and the trunk could go behind it?
Ah, this is more like it!
Restored to comfort and practicality
Just about everything is where it was, but there's one item less. And the fabric that was in that trunk ... that's another story ...


  1. oops, hit the Publish button too quickly! Those photos all needed rearranging ... so much needs rearranging ...
