
06 May 2013

At Turn The Page

With a bit of distance in time, I can say that Turn The Page was, this year as last, a good experience. And - the sun shone, and there was no biting cold wind! 

The setting is great - the glassy atrium is the forecourt of the city library. Approaching, you see the old church  reflected, and from inside, it's constantly in the corner of your eye -
The space is wonderfully light and airy -
Later, when more people arrived, it was too busy to take photos, but never felt unpleasantly crowded.

Four people sharing a table made for a rich mix -
and we were able to spread round to the back -
Janet's "Three Rosas" book arrived in time, and she also brought her Existential Crisis jars, which attracted the curious -
Karen's creatures made from the pages of the books had people bending forward to look more closely (see them here) -
It was a delight to watch the smiles on people's faces as they held the tiny teddies and rabbits -
Another view from "behind the table" -
A few of my smaller "memory balls" were on display (for handling), and nine of the 15 Binders Keepers went to new homes.

Some of the things I liked - Jeremy Dixon's series of micro-books of photos, and the way he uses paper that's coloured on one side -
Joanna Holden's Wastepaper Project - answer a question, tear out the page, crumple it up, throw it in the bin; she flattens them out, photographs them, and makes a book -
 The book that reads itself - on screen - mesmerising -
And now, on to the next deadline - a shared Open Studio in Kensal Rise, 22-23 June.

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