
25 May 2013

From magazines

Letting go of magazines - or rather, not letting go - is one of my besetting sins. This morning, as it's not raining, I'm putting a mere four on the front wall, with a "please take" sign (it's a start!). First I flipped through them and found one item to "save" from each.
Cellular structure of wood - the kind of thing I loved drawing in high-school biology
David Nash's cutting and shaping of wood is astonishing
There's something about this charred forest in Chile that grabs me
And some facts about coffee, from an article about the threat to coffee production - and especially to wild trees - brought by climate change:

"...about 100 million people around the world depend on coffee for their livelihoods. Approximately 70 countries produce coffee, from the Americas to Australasia and the Pacific. It seems hard to believe, but coffee is the second most traded commodity after oil, and the world's most important agricultural commodity. In 2009, when some 93.4 million (60kg) bags were shipped,  coffee accounted for xports worth an estimaged US$15.4 billion." (Kew magazine, spring 2013)


  1. and if you have a list of links to other blogs, like I do, it can be counting your own visits to the blog - or if it is the default opening page on your browser.
    Or other people using your blog to go look at those links in your side bar.
    Not easy to work out what you are meant to do with the stats even if you understand them.

  2. the cellular photo is amazing - it looks just as if it were knitted!
