
28 August 2013

Colour mixing 3

While away from my home studio in the past couple of weeks, I've really missed the daily painting of colour swatches into the old dictionary. It's good to get back to it ... though by the time the whole book is full, I'll probably be glad to be able to stop at last!

Here are the recent sessions, always with the challenge of finishing with a colour mix that segues into the start of the previous session (the page with the orange marker), and identified by the headwords on the dictionary page.
P to patriarch patter 907-933
cadmium yellow, crimson, titanium white, paynes grey, viridian, cobalt
obeisance oblige to oviform oxlip 871-905
cadmium yellow, indanthrene blue, mixing white, titanium white, crimson
muskeg mutable to nut nystagmus 837-869
crimson, indanthrene blue, paynes grey, mixing white, titanium white, bright green, cadmium yellow
masticot material to muskeg mutable 775-835
yellow light hansa, red oxide, mixing white, paynes grey, titanium white, 
chromium oxide green, interference blue, light blue violet, indanthrene blue, crimson
long look to mascon mask 743-773
lemon yellow, cobalt blue, paynes grey, yellow light hansa, mixing white, red oxide
k to lodicule logogram 687-741
magenta, cobalt blue, mixing white, paynes grey, titanium white, hookers green lemon yellow 
A scrap of paper stops the paint making blobs at the bottom of the page - by using one scrap for each session, they can serve as a record of colours, page numbers, date...

(This post is linked to Off The Wall Fridays.)