
09 August 2013

In the land of invisible landscapes

Devon ... with those high hedges along the narrow lanes, lanes worn down and hedges built up over centuries. Travelling by car, you occasionally get glimpses of fields and woods and hills and moors. But mostly we saw road and hedge, in all sorts of weathers -

Between rain ... and heavier rain
Dartmoor in the distance
Beside the rivers, the hedges become tunnels of trees
Intriguingly the signposts are labelled with the (ancient?) name of the cross(road)
On foot, there's time to notice cryptic road markings -

 And have unexpected encounters -
And lean on gates and admire the view -
It was so quiet, and once the rain stopped, the clear night sky was a spectacle all on its own ... no light pollution whatsoever.

1 comment:

  1. Blimey, not only did we holiday in the same place this year... but I am living behind one of those hedges!
    Oh, I have reinvented myself, and have a new calligraphy blog :-)
