
27 September 2013

Colour mixing 7

Moving towards the title page -
affeard-affront to apparel-apple 19-57
Payne's grey, lemon yellow, interference blue, titanium white, cobalt blue, prism violet, cadmium yellow
titlepage to advise-aero- 0-17
titanium white, payne's grey
pages 0-201
That got me back to where I started - the badly-painted pages that started this project. I hadn't written down the colours used, so the easiest thing was to redo them, getting near the colours already on the page -
showghe-shtetl to smallage-smile 1201-1221
red oxide, light blue violet, magenta, cadmium red, mixing white, phthalo turquoise
smorbrod-snake to spoliate-spor 1223-1251
light blue violet, emerald, titanium white, payne's grey, cadmium red, mixing white, cobalt blue
After that, it's been straightforward - using the colour last added to the previous page, start the new session by adding another colour, and keep going till you get back to a fairly pure colour, so that you can start with that next time. The challenge has been to squeeze out, initially, enough paint so that it doesn't constantly have to be extended with white - and on the other hand, to use up the mixed paint by the time you get to the end of the session.
 sprattle-spring to stridence-string 1253-1281
emerald, payne's grey, light yellow hansa, titanium white, phthalo turquoise, cobalt blue
 stroke-strum to tango-tap 1283-1321
cobalt blue, prism violet, mixing white, cadmium red, red oxide, cadmium yellow
Tardenoisian-tartar to toing and froing-tombolo 1323-1359
cadmium red, phthalo turquoise, titanium white, mixing white, red oxie, ultramarine blue
tonic-tooth to Trygon-tubercule 1361-1389
ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow
tumbrel-tunny to under--undulate 1391-1425
cadmium yellow, cobalt blue
These splodgy sequences are the paint that's "fallen off the bottom of the page" - caught on a piece of scrap paper, on which I write the colours used in that session. The idea of doing this only came to me quite some time after some of the page bottoms got glued together by the surplus paint, so a big chunk of pages is missing from the consecutive record.  The photos are trimmed and collaged to look like the splayed foredge of the book -
pages 1201-1425

1 comment:

  1. I love this project! Is the paint (or the fact that the paint makes the pages ripple) going to make the entire book much fatter? Will you be able to close the book when you're finished?
