
18 September 2013

Mosaics in fabric workshop

A one-day workshop, arranged by London Quilters, with Barbara Weeks showing how to make "mosaic" quilts, with small pieces of fabric bonded onto a background. Barbara had many samples of the technique with her, including "Prague" -
The day was a combination of group demonstrations and individual working -
First we made a sample leaf, to get an idea of the scale and technique - and so that we wouldn't get too fiddly, frustrated, or ambitious! Then it was on to the main piece, either from an image we'd brought or from those Barbara had with her, which included a book of large letters that could be used in various ways, and books on stained glass and mosaics.

I've been making some cushions on a seaside theme, and was taken with this mosaic by Martin Cheek -
Obviously it's a bit ambitious for a one-day workshop, and eventually I got my starting point from this mosaic by Tessa Hunkin -
I was tempted by the shells, but the starfish looked so lively, so I set about discovering how what happens with tiles can be altered by using fabric.
Choosing background; adding bondaweb to hand-sized pieces of fabric
Drawing starfish onto freezer paper
Placing fabric and deciding colour for the centres
Each leg was dealt with individually
 Show and tell - those simple letters really came to life with the various fabrics!
When I got home I sat right down and finished the missing legs on the starfish. It's ready for layering and quilting. Thanks to a demo on what's possible with quilting for these mosaic pieces, I have some ideas for how to "bring out" the motifs and approach the background.

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