
29 September 2013

Quilted swimmers

"Swimming upstream #1" by Bonnie J Smith
How can swimmers, active in a fluid medium, be portrayed in the static medium of cloth, specifically a quilt? "Realistic" water is difficult to portray in cloth, or even by painting ... it needs a degree of abstraction, which the lines of quilting can supply, showing the flow of water. Still, there's an unease in the change of medium. A problem in catching a moment and all that's going on. How to freeze the movement, especially the movement of the water, so diffuse - transparent, even - against the solidity of the human form that is moving through it?
Floating or swimming? (via)
"Vermont Swimmers" by Catherine McConnell, now in the John Walsh collection
A gicle print of one of Tim Harding's water series (via)
Not a quilt, but a great starting point (via)
Painting from the Kizil Caves, central Asia - dating to 500 AD (via)
More questions than answers. Keep looking...

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