
01 September 2013

Stormy weather

The storms photographed by Mitch Dobrowner are serious storms (how does he get those fabulous pix??). His photos are on show in Los Angeles from 7 Sept to 26 Oct - see here for more details.
Capturing these raging, chaotic, noisy natural phenomena in a single still paradoxically heighten their power; the devastating, incomprehensible beauty of nature at its most destructive is almost overwhelming [says this blog, source of the pix]. Mitch is celebrating the natural world on its own terms: “Landscapes are living eco systems and environments. They have existed well before, and will hopefully be here way beyond the time we are here.”


  1. The first photo reminds me a bit of Carravagio. Would you guess that I'm contemplating and trying to emulate Carravagio in landscapes? If you are thinking of elephants, everything you see reminds you of elephants:-) Nice photographs.

  2. Margaret - Oh, I see our connection. It is the charming, if outspoken June - painter, quilter, comment leave-r.
    Thanks for your comment on my Blog post. DelQuilts@...........
