
15 November 2013

Does your screen ever look like this?

Somehow, the collection of photos for the blog has slithered out of control. Once photos have been "maximised" for colour balance etc and cropped, I do a "save for web" which puts them into a folder named "blogging". The next step, once they're used on the blog, is to save them into monthly "archive" subfolders.

But things go wrong. There's no reason that used photos shouldn't be moved (except laziness) and no reason that other files, destined for email attachments, should be in this folder at all ... except laziness ... this is the folder that comes up automatically with "save for web". And the folder includes pix taken from the web, labelled only sometimes, source lost mostly ... and source must be mentioned.

The result - lots of files, in no particular order, some used on the blog and others not.

Easy solution - put everything in a subfolder, named Miscellaneous (or Backlog; or whatever...) and the date. Start afresh ... clean slate ... do it better this time.

Repeat as necessary - unless you get conscientious enough not to let it happen again!

Meanwhile, here are a few photos from among all this lot -
by Claire Gimber (via)
You get these kind of shadows in an eclipse
A medieval (?) woodcut rather like one I used for a hooked rug, long ago

1 comment:

  1. You could blame it entirely on the digital world that insists on having photos at every turn and doesn't read the glorious texts that you write. But alas, that would only date you.

    I too have these difficulties, although since my blogging has become more infrequent, the files get less full. Oh that miscellaneous file -- Yow! I'm just now cleaning out fabric and dyeing and "WIP" objects from my past art life. Some day I'll have to deal with the misc file.
