
22 December 2013

Aleatoric ... knitting ...

A fascinating knitting project, presented recently as part of Shetland Wool Week by Tom of Holland.

Aleatoric = dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome. "We’ve created a number of rules which tell us how to roll dice and select pattern and colour combinations depending on the outcome, based on John Cage’s composition Apartment House 1776," says Tom.

Fair Isle, which gave its name to the colourful knitting technique, is part of the Shetland Islands -
The most remote inhabited island in the UK 
The technique is a type of stranded colour-work: "Traditional Fair Isle patterns have a limited palette of five or so colours, use only two colours per row, are worked in the round, and limit the length of a run of any particular colour."
Traditional fisherman's jumper (via)

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