
10 January 2014

Dawdling round town

Sometimes you have an extra hour or so, sandwiched in between two appointments, and nothing particular to do (or no energy?). The path of least resistance is to simply take your time ... look around ... notice things ... get out the camera ... go into shops....  My route took me from Primrose Hill via Camden to Bloomsbury, ending at the London Review Cake Shop, and thereafter, instead of to the Picasso linocuts exhibition at the British Museum (which hadn't opened yet, but is now on till 6 May) for more wandering in Bloomsbury and Covent Garden.
The sign outside says "Pottery" but it's been empty for a while
Ribbons on wooden spools, from Denmark (broste) - £11 for 15 metres
Local scenes on cards, for sale in the pharmacy
Big hessian mesh, 4 metres for £8.70
Stamp lust - charming, but it'll face the other way when stamped
One for the wish list, Collections of Nothing by William Davies King
(read an excerpt here)
Lovely chunky ginger stars 
Oh, bring me my editorial pencil!
Sharpen your whistle?? What next, dampen your appetite?
Charming little cups with fine grey lines, and grey inside, by Susan Disley
More fine lines at the Contemporary Ceramics Centre; these are by Nicola Tassie
Circus jewellery in one of the tempting windows of Monmouth Street
Shoes by Think, Arche, etc at Natural Shoe Store
A pleasant enough way to spend a winter's afternoon.


  1. Indeed - a lovely meander round a rather lovely part of London.

  2. I can not believe you have time for work with all the wonderful tours, info etc that you garner on your travel/meanderings around London etc; BUT you do. Thank you for all the fodder you feed us!!! You whet my appetite!!!!!
