
09 February 2014

Revisiting the CQ Horizons quilts

Thanks to Bonnie McCaffrey's vidcast, we can have another look at some of the works in last year's "Horizon" exhibition by Contemporary Quilt at the Festival of Quilts. In the vidcast the quilts are shown up close as well as in their entirety, and the makers tell the story of the quilt. Here are a few of my favourites.

Chris Dixon's wholecloth quilt shows all the castles in Northumberland. The fabric was dyed blue and then discharged to reveal the castles.

Liz Drake's is based on a geological soil horizon - she hand-dyed the threads but, apart from the blue, used commercial fabrics.

Sandra Grusd took a photo that she'd had for years, fit in into the 150cm x 50cm format on her computer,  painted the fabrics and fused them onto the background before stitching.

The quilts looked stunning as a group, with themes and colours modulating throughout. See them at
Photo of exhibit via


  1. Love that last view. Makes you wonder how they would have looked in the days of the ubiquitous orange carpet.

  2. I haven't looked at bonnie for a month or so, I will have to go and look at this. these are so beautiful, especially the castles quilt.
