
16 March 2014

Back to "museum maze"

With the decks cleared for action and only a few days remaining before submission date ... I do love a fast-approaching deadline! ... it's gung-ho and fast-forward, eyes down and shoulder to the wheel on this project.
Waxing the paper lets the images "seep through"

A chance discovery
The monochrome image was printed on my laser printer, and in waxing it some of the colour from the newspaper transferred, and some of the black from the print transferred too - so I used clean sheets of paper to try to stop that happening - only to find that the black transferred in this "ghostly" way to the other sheet of paper. There are possibilities with this ... I like the quality of the print and wonder how to control the transfer.

1 comment:

  1. That black transfer is amazing - I do hope you come up with a solution that works for you.
