
29 March 2014

JQs mounting up

 "High Horizons", my 8" square journal quilts for 2014, now number four -
The latest is "A Flash of Fishes" - the fish are underneath a layer of grey silk organza, stitched and drawn up into pleats shibori-style, then painted gently with white acrylic paint and released. Also underneath is some synthetic organza with shiny circles glued on - bubbles in the water, stars in the sky... 
The dark area at bottom is a bit of the gold fabric used for three of the fish - the irregular scrap was rescued from someone else's scrapbag.

An irregular scrap figures in what might be the next JQ -
The blue was fused onto a piece of monoprinted calico, then years later it was screen printed with puffa paste. Whew! It's framed up to have the horizon quite high, but I'm not sure how it could "develop" at all. Maybe something for applique will turn up out of the scrapbag?

1 comment:

  1. Hey! No fair! Not only are you one ahead of the calendar months but your 8" squares are super interesting too!!
