
31 March 2014

Monday miscellany

February, a woodcut by Wharton Esherick (1887-1970, Pennsylvania)


Do penguins need sweaters/jumpers? The short answer is No, but there seems to be a persistent rumour on social media that sweaters are used to "save" oiled birds. People love to donate tangible, helpful things ... and knitters are people too ... but would do better to donate to local charities, says this article.


Luckenwalde library (Berlin) was once an old railway station on an abandoned line - see other stunning libraries at


Another thought about getting rid of things: " the perniciousness of sentimental items—and sentimentality in general—is far more subtle. If you want to get rid of an item but the only reason you are holding on to it is for sentimental reasons—if it is weighing on you—then perhaps it’s time to get rid of it, perhaps it is time to free yourself of the weight. That doesn’t mean that you need to get rid of everything though." (via)


Remember the tights ball? It's set to go on show at Swiss Cottage Library, as part of its tour around the UK - check for details here. Photo from The Londonist - which also has a post about London's best street art. It doesn't mention the endangered birds painted by ATM -
Jay, painted by ATM (via)


Shoe shopping - spring has arrived!


  1. Thanks for the link to The Minimalists - found the whole essay very useful. I am currently trying to face decluttering the two full rooms (and they are VERY full). The whole process, which involves sorting through all my husband's stuff (he died 14 years ago!) will form the basis of my CQ (dislocated) quilt - a trick to make the process exciting/a reason to record then let go and all the rest of it!

    I've actually lost quite a lot of physical weight this year - I am now working on shedding the meotional weight.

  2. Sorry I meant to say emotional weight - and the cat was nowhere near the computer for once!
