
06 April 2014

New in the notebook

This came out of nowhere one evening when I was listening to catch-up radio, a programme called "500 years of friendship" in fact. Seeing a nice blank page, my pen started writing down words and it developed from there, with the words written in all directions, concentrating on grouping words of the same length and starting new groupings here and there, now and then.

This leaves you with only the vaguest idea of what the programme was about (because you're concentrating on catching the next usable word, and thinking where to put it) - and reading the finished item isn't much help, because the words have been put all over the place rather than in sequence.

But it gives you the illusion of paying great attention, and not leaving the hands idle. Those were 15-minute programmes - The Verb is 45 minutes -
Looking at the negative space, I'm seeing ... not a house plan ... more like a maze ... (and it somewhat resembles the work of Gabriel Lalonde) ...

More "constructive doodling" - while hanging on the phone trying to get a PAC code, with music playing (9 songs) that I'd rather not have been listening to! After a while it got almost interesting - a chance to extend the mark-making repertoire -

(This post is linked to Off the Wall Friday - where you can see what lots of creative people are up to.)


  1. Interesting patterns you created. As you say reminiscent of a maze.

    So many times I have settled to listen to a radio programme and found at the end of it that I missed most of it because of following some word or idea that arose from it. Lateral thinking would be OK if I could only save it up for times when nothing else is occupying me.

  2. I thought I was the only one who did that Irene.

    I like the word collections with the spaces between.

  3. Happens even more with television - must be something to do with the way our (creative?) brains are wired!

    Love the negative spaces, Margaret. And reminds me of that book you introduced me to to...

  4. Would make for an interesting journal! I always have a project I am working on while watching TV. This technique would probably make me pay a bit more attention to what is being said.

    The negative space adds greatly to the design, as always.

  5. oh this is so cool. I love that you shared this burst of creativity with us. I like words and your design using them brings the viewer in to see them. LeeAnna Paylor

  6. Hmmm, what a facinating idea! I love the randomness that in its own way creates a pattern... Mind you I usually crochet when I am (sort of) watching TV or listening to music...

  7. This is an assignment we give to the 4th graders and they love it - yours came out great!!

  8. I am intrigued by arranging the words by length instead of meaning. And by the design that resulted.
