
25 May 2014

Away-day in Canterbury

Being quite close to France, Canterbury is full of daytripping school groups, but even so it's worth a visit. I was tempted by the charity shops but went in to only one, the one nearest the train station, and was rewarded for abstemiousness [though the abstaining came afterwards] by a nice book published in 1939 called "In a Word" - etymologies nicely written, with illustrations by James Thurber -
More about the book another time.

Canterbury itself - old buildings -
Old above, contemporary at ground level

"...a very old house bulging out over the road ... leaning forward, trying to see who was
 passing on the narrow pavement below..." - Charles Dickens, 1849

a quiet back street

historic carving
angels on the gatehous of the cathedral
In Lilford gallery, a show of prints by David Hockney, work by various artists including a radiometer  chandelier by Luke Jerram and an "object" cast in resin by Kirsten Baskett, a recent graduate from Camberwell -
photons make the flags go round

In the delightful library/museum, aka The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, panels of 17th-century stained glass, even the tiniest scraps carefully patched together (click on image to enlarge) -

A Sheep - by Thomas Sidney Cooper

insect collecting case - doesn't the lid look like a musical score?

teddy bears spring to life, hitting each other with sticks

stuffed birds (part of my ongoing collection of photos)

this duckling, now stuffed, has four legs
On the way home, gathering source material for the latest irresistible idea for the "dislocation" challenge quilt -

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